Childbirth Anxiety among Pregnant Mothers in Light of the Covid-19: Nablus Governorate as a Model

  • Abdelghani SAIFI An-Najah National University (Palestine)
Keywords: Birth Anxiety, COVID-19 Pandemic, Pregnant Mother


The aim of this study was to know the level of anxiety during the process of birth, and to study some demographic and social variables that affect the birth process, whether this effect is negative or positive, And study some aspects, especially pregnancy and childbirth, and know the role of some variables that affect the process of birth in a positive or negative. The study was conducted on a sample of 97patients in Nablus governorate. The researcher used the questionnaire tool to reach the results of the study, and collected theoretical information from books, magazines and websites. The researcher used the descriptive curriculum to analyze the results of the study. The results indicated that the degree of anxiety of birth of mothers in Nablus governorate was average on the overall degree on the total score, physical area and psychological field. It also indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of birth anxiety on the variables of mother's age, educational qualification, and differences in the number of births.

The researcher concluded that it is necessary to provide awareness programs and guidance for pregnant women concerned with the problems of pregnancy and childbirth, and more studies on pregnant mothers, but in various aspects, such as postnatal adjustment and others, and work to raise awareness of health in pregnant women and clarify many of the problems and risks in the process of pregnancy and childbirth and its impact on the mother and the fetus.


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How to Cite
SAIFI, A. (2023). Childbirth Anxiety among Pregnant Mothers in Light of the Covid-19: Nablus Governorate as a Model. Social Sciences Journal, 17(2), 291-308.