The problem of health, disease and chronic disease has been understood as care and prevention

  • Leila KEKOUCHE University of Blida 2(Algeria)
  • Fairouz MIZABI University of Blida 2(Algeria)
Keywords: health, disease, chronic diseases, prevention, car


Our study came with the aim of shedding light on the importance and the great place that health occupies throughout different ages and civilisations, starting from cultural practices within religious rituals and beliefs, to the era of technology, modernity and postmodernism, which considered that concern for health is one of the sings of greening and progress, which made it attract the attention of many researchers and scientists in various fields of health, similar to the fields of social and human sciences in general, and sociology in particular, seeking to discover the causes of diseases and ailments of all kinds, and chronic diseases in particular, in order to eliminate them and or reduce them, reduce their severity and prevent them based on strategies through which he seeks to take care of chronic patients and raise the level of awareness of individuals, sociologists interest in health was evident through their attempt to develop a comprehnsiv  interpretation of the reality of health and disease for society, according to the various backgrounds and factors behind the problem of health and disease


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How to Cite
KEKOUCHE, L., & MIZABI, F. (2023). The problem of health, disease and chronic disease has been understood as care and prevention. Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 12-21.