Social pressures and their impact on health and illness in contemporary societies

  • Amina AGUENINI University of Laghouat ( Algeria)
Keywords: Social pressures, health, disease, contemporary societies, chronic diseases


This study aimed to identify social pressures and the extent of their impact on human health and disease in contemporary societies, where the rapid political, economic, social and cultural changes in modern societies created a set of stressful events, which reflected negatively on the adaptation of individuals to these pressures, which resulted in a number of diseases according to the latest studies and research in the field of medical and psychological. Through this research paper, we have tried to address the concept of social pressures as a research angle, considering that the pressures to which humans are exposed in modern societies are many and numerous. 

  As we relied on extrapolating a number of research sources and relying on them to read the phenomenon from multiple angles, we touched on the concept of social pressures and their sources and the extent of their connection to contemporary societies compared to ancient societies, and we also tried to research the relationship between social pressures and the extent of their impact on health and disease and how the human being in modern societies suffers from a number of chronic diseases, which were largely associated with the extent of his exposure to various pressures, especially the pressures of daily life in general


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How to Cite
AGUENINI, A. (2023). Social pressures and their impact on health and illness in contemporary societies. Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 42-54.