Occupational stress and its relationship to chronic diseases

  • Sid ahmed BENLAHBIB University of Tamanrasset ( Algeria)
  • Kheira ZOUBIRI University of Alger 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Occupational pressures, chronic diseases


At the present time, chronic diseases have become called diseases of the era, due to their spread all over the world among individuals, as they have become a large percentage among members of the Arab community, especially the Algerian community, due to their abnormal spread, and everyone has at least one chronic disease, regardless of some who suffer From more than one disease for several reasons, one of the most important of these reasons that we can refer to in the subject of our study is occupational stress and its relationship to these diseases in the city of Laghouat


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How to Cite
BENLAHBIB, S. ahmed, & ZOUBIRI, K. (2023). Occupational stress and its relationship to chronic diseases . Social Sciences Journal, 17(3(Special), 119-129. https://doi.org/10.34118/ssj.v17i3(Special).3701