The history of Arab-Islamic philosophy between cognitive and ideological
The Moroccan thinker Abed al-Jabri proceeds from the idea, which he considers fundamental, that the history of Arab culture, including the history of Islamic philosophy, has not yet been written, and that all the attempts that have been made so far in this regard are nothing more than a repetition of the methods of the Ancients or a reproduction of the approaches of the Orientalists. He believes that it provides a reading that goes beyond the gaps that marked the previous readings, the Arabic reading, which was characterized by ambiguity and compromise, and the Western reading, which is governed by European centralism. His thesis in this regard can be summarized as follows: the assertion that Arabic philosophy was a reading of Greek philosophy. To emphasize that the problem of reconciling the mind and the text has occupied the Arab mind for centuries, and has not been surpassed until now. Demanding the need to pay attention to Islamic philosophy from the point of view of the ideological contents that it carried.
Keywords: history of islamic philosophy, cognitive content, ideological content, arabic readings, orientalists readings
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