The share of physical and sports education and its role in achieving psychological compatibility among the students of the primary stage -A field study of primary schools in bouhmama district -KHENCHELA
The study aims to know the role of a physical and sports education class to achieve psychological compatibility among primary school students, where we used the descriptive curriculum on a research sample of 500 pupils containing 250 pupils practicing school sports activity and 250 pupils who do not practice school sports activity from some of the beginnings of The State of Khanshala, and has been relied on each of the measure of psychological compatibility Prepared by Dr. Mohammed Serry Jalal (1986) consisting of 40 words spread over 04 dimensions (after the person's compatibility, after social consensus, after family compatibility, after emotional compatibility).
To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used a statistical tool represented by the percentage of the mechanism for collecting, tabulating, guaranteeing, interpreting and settling results and we used spss program to do all calculations, and after the application of the study we found that: students who engage in school sports activity enjoy a )personal, social, family, high emotional(high consensus, unlike students who do not engage in school sports activity we find that they have a )personal, social, family consensus, an emotionally( reduced.
Keywords: physical and sports education class, psychological compatibility, primary stage.
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