Stability and change in endogamy in Southern Tunisia: a field study in Elgsar Gafsa

  • Mohamed AHMED Higher Institute of Applied Humanities Gafsa (Tunisia)
Keywords: Tribe, Kinship, Endogamy, Cultural change


This study represents an anthropological attempt to understand the cultural life of social actors in the area of ​​Elgsar in southern Tunisia. This study aims at a scientific understanding of the social and cultural symbolism associated with the prevailing patterns of marital relations (endogamy and exogamy) Which is mainly manifested within groups that still hold to tribal values ​​and aspire to preserve their traditional collective identity. This anthropological article seeks to understand the perceptions of the two main groups: Al-akerma and Al-gsara on endogamy and its ability to continue within this urban space.


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How to Cite
AHMED, M. (2020). Stability and change in endogamy in Southern Tunisia: a field study in Elgsar Gafsa. Social Sciences Journal, 14(2), 9-20.