Shyness and its relationship to depression among a sample of first-year high school students - field study at Muhammad Boudiaf Aflo High School -
The present study aimed at detecting the nature of shyness and its relation to depression in a sample of first year secondary students in Aflou city and checking for differences in shyness and depression according to the sex and educational level in the sample of first year students in Aflou city. On a basic sample of 30 students from the first year of secondary school, consisting of 60 students as we used in the study, the measure of Sayed Yousef of shame and the measure of Sayed Youssef depression.
After the statistical treatment, the study reached the following results:
-There was no statistically significant association between shyness and depression among first year secondary students.
-There are differences between the sexes are statistically significant in shyness for females.
-The absence of differences between the specialization of statistical significance among students of the first year secondary.
-No significant differences between the sexes in the first year secondary school students.
-There were no differences between the specialization in depression among students of the first year secondary.
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