Trends in infant mortality the city of Brika is a "model" state of Batna
The phenomenon of infant mortality is a demographic phenomenon that is still being discussed in conferences and seminars، especially those organized by UNICEF and global health، Or through the population and medical seminars organized by the international and governmental bodies in the third world especially، The aim of this study is to know the trends of infant mortality in the city of Barika state of Batna، and the results reached are a starting point for students interested in this subject. the problem is، what are the infant mortality trends for the city of Barika? A number of hypotheses have emerged: 1-The level of infant mortality in the decline as a result of the development policy in the city of Barika، 2- The mortality rate of infants in the sex of males more than the sex of females.3- The rate of infant mortality in winter is higher than in the summer. The method used descriptive analytical method and the comparative method. Method of processing data using the SPSS program، The most significant findings are a continuous reduction in infant mortality in the city of Barika، with the higher mortality of the sex of males than the sex of females، the majority of deaths are in the winter for the sex of males more than the sex of females، the quality of infant mortality data the municipality of Barika is good.
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