Annonce de diagnostic en cancérologie : aspects éthiques et déontologiques
introduction: cancer is a complex pathology, most often requiring collaboration from different disciplines and stakeholders The announcement of the cancer diagnosis remains an important step that crystallizes multiple strong issues. This announcement, which is a shock to the patient, is considered difficult to realize by the doctors because it must be the cornerstone of the long and uncertain doctor-patient relationship that begins.
Material and method: a synthesis of the literature on the announcement of cancer diagnosis we will try to determine the characteristics and the different ethical and ethical aspects and the practices related to the transmission of medical information in cancer.
Results: all the authors agree that the announcement of the diagnosis constitutes a shock for the patient and the doctor and by encouraging the training of health care workers in this field to establish a real relationship of trust between these two parties
Conclusion: Each person, each situation, is unique, unique. Our commitment as a doctor must remain that of taking care of the other by letting him express himself and by listening to him, by accompanying him step by step on his journey
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