Post-operative follow-up and quality of life after prosthetic repair of bilateral inguinal hernia in a single step by the Lichtenstein technique
Introduction: Bilateral ingual hernia (HIB) is a public health problem, for which there is currently no preventive treatment, the only alternative is surgical treatment. The spread and generalization of the use of prostheses to treat adult groin hernias has led to a drop in post-operative complications and, in particular, recurrences (˂1%) and offers a better quality of life. The objective of our study is to evalue the post-operative outcomes and quality of life of patients after prosthetic HIB repair in a single step. Patients and Method: Our study involves a series of 84 patients with HIB in a descriptive study with prospective follow-up. Patients were recruited in the surgery department of CHU BENI MESSOUS, ALGIERS. The study was conducted over a five-year period. The main criterion for judgment was the following two-year operating positions and the secondary criteria, quality of life, duration of the intervention, length of stay. Rating scales: EVAD and DN4 and CCS. Results: No loss of sight or death was reported. The average age of the patients was 61.5±12 years, exclusively male. Eighty-one (96.43%) patients had primary HIB and three (3.57%) had recurrence. Surgery was performed under rachianesthesia in 74% of cases and 26% of cases under general anesthesia. The average duration of the procedure was 2.5 H ± 25 min. The average length of hospital stay was 1.4±1 days. Immediate post-operative follow-up was marked by two cases of parietal hematoma (2%). One case (2.4%) of bilateral fistula was noted at 6 months and 12 months post-operative. There were no cases of recurrence, discomfort or chronic pain at the end of the 24-month assessment. Conclusion: In the light of our work, it emerges that the prosthetic repair of an HIB in a single step had a low rate of recurrence, very low mortality, patient comfort and low economic cost.
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