Impact of psychoeducation on the relapse rate of schizophrenic patients: about a study in Algiers hospital middle
Introduction: Relapse is not rare, and its frequency and speed of onset often originate in defective drug compliance. Facilitating compliance is therefore an important issue; this requires a special approach, centered on well-defined protocols. In recent years, programs of adherence combined with those of therapeutic education, implement services to increase the capacity of patients to support themselves. The objective of our research work was to set up a psychoeducation program with neuroleptic treatment (Lieberman's program) and to evaluate its impact on the rate of relapse at two years. Materials and methods: This is a prospective, randomized, comparative study that involved 300 man and woman patients aged 16 to 60 and older who met the DSM-5 criteria for schizophrenia, recruited in hospitalization services and consultations with clinical evaluation using the PANSS scale and an evaluation adherence treatment using the MARS scale. The patients were randomized into two groups of one hundred and fifty, depending on the type of care: psychoeducational group versus control group. Surveillance parameters were statistically comparable in both inclusion groups (relapse / re-hospitalization and clinic). The results did not show any significant differences between the two groups. From our work. We propose some hypothesis about the inefficacy of the therapeutic education program on improving adherence and some recommendations
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