Hernie inguinale droite a contenu testiculaire : a propos d’un cas
Introduction : Cryptorchidism is common in children, but remains rare in adults. In such a condition the testicle is in an extrascrotal location. The testis is in the upper part of the inguinal canal, between the internal and external inguinal rings (ectopic descent) or even in the abdominal cavity (undescended testis). Cryptorchidism may be mistaken for a groin hernia, then the examiantion of the scrotum must be part of the physical examination when we look for an inguinal or femoral hernia.
Case report: 38-year-old man who presented with history of an uncomplicated right inguinal hernia. The physical examination noticed the vacuity of the right scroctum. The computed tomography confirmed the examiantion’s findings. The uncommon content of the righ indirect inguinal hernial sac was surprising – the sac contained the right testis, the spermatic cord and a part of the omentum. This case brings us to encourage the exploration of the the sac content during surgical hernia repairs.
Conclusion: Cryptorchidism in adults remains a rare pathology. The treatment is surgical.
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