Epidemiological and Clinical Analysis of Intentional Injuries: A Comprehensive Study in Laghouat Province, Algeria
Traumas resulting from intentional assaults, termed as intentional injuries (II), pose a significant challenge to public health. Addressing this challenge requires a meticulous approach from healthcare professionals to provide essential psychological support during evidence collection. This study aims to investigate the correlation between the severity of intentional injuries and variables such as gender, age, and occupation of the affected individuals.
Materials and Methods:
This research takes the form of a prospective monocentric cross-sectional study conducted over a six-month period, from September 2022 to March 2023. The study was carried out at the forensic medicine department of Ahmed Benadjaila Hospital and at the medical-surgical emergency department of the Laghouat Mixed Hospital
The primary objective was to assess the existence of a causal relationship between the severity of intentional injuries and factors such as gender, age, and occupation. The results indicate that 89% of the sampled patients were assaulted by male individuals. The mean age of the patients was 29.89 years, with a range from 4 to 73 years, and a majority of individuals were without a profession (46% of the population). Inferential analysis revealed that gender was a significant risk factor in the severity of intentional injuries, while neither age nor occupation were identified as risk factors in this study.
Intentional injuries pose a major public health concern with potentially severe consequences for victims. It is imperative to continue in-depth investigations and studies to develop tailored preventive and safety measures. These findings underscore the importance of devising targeted strategies to mitigate the impact of intentional injuries, highlighting the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to address this issue comprehensively.
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