Editor-in-chief JEEMR
Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research
The Faculty of economics, Commercial and sciences management
University of Laghouat Amar Tledji- Algeria
BP 37 G. Mkam, Laghouat 03000 Algeria, E-mail : Rev.excellence@gmail.com
Tel : 029934103( 213) Fax : 029933215 ( 213) www.lagh-univ.dz
Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research
The Faculty of economics, Commercial and sciences management
University of Laghouat Amar Tledji- Algeria
BP 37 G. Mkam, Laghouat 03000 Algeria, E-mail : Rev.excellence@gmail.com
Tel : 029934103( 213) Fax : 029933215 ( 213) www.lagh-univ.dz
Principal Contact
Abdelhadi Messaoudi
Ammar Thaliji University in Laghouat, Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Scien
Ammar Thaliji University in Laghouat, Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Scien