The impact of public spending on unemployment and inflation in Algeria during the period (1990-2020) : A standard study using the ARDL model.

  • houari sofiane جامعة وهران 2
  • nekkal fatima جامعة وهران 2
Keywords: public spending, unemployment, inflation, stagflation, ARDL model


This study aims to know the extent of the impact and the relationship between public spending on unemployment and inflation in Algeria (1990-2020), because of their great importance in economic stability and achieving growth, especially in recent times with the collapse of oil prices, the spread of the Corona virus and its impact on the economy, by using the model ARDL.

The study found results, the most important of which is the existence of a relationship in the short term and a balanced relationship in the long term between public spending and unemployment, that it has a weak and negative impact, It also concluded that there is a short-term relationship and a long-term equilibrium relationship between public spending and inflation, just as the public spending policy has a weak and negative impact on the rate of inflation, which it has a weak and negative impact, but it is temporary, which requires the Algerian government to rationalize expenditures and build a base Economic through economic diversification to move from rentier spending to sustainable spending.


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How to Cite
sofiane, houari, & fatima, nekkal. (2021). The impact of public spending on unemployment and inflation in Algeria during the period (1990-2020) : A standard study using the ARDL model. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(1), 73-92.
Original Article