Crowdfunding as an alternative mechanism to financing Start-ups (Succesful global models and Evidences from Algerian)

  • lamia abdi
  • messaoud amir maizza
Keywords: Crowdfunding, Crowdfunding Platform, Startups


The main obojective of this research paper is to study the importance of Crowdfunding Platforms as an additional financail resource alternative to financing emerging institutions and entrepreneurial businesses as a source of funding commensurate with the capabilities available to small and marginaliaed enterprises by traditional banks.

And that by presenting some successful experiences in the field of Crowdfunding Platforms.

The most important of this study are: Crowdfunding adapts to Algerian Startups and innovative projects, as it's an alternative solution to finance, Crowdfunding contributes to raising the levels of project implementation on the ground effectively by providing the necessary for the actual completion and implementation of project...


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How to Cite
abdi, lamia, & maizza, messaoud amir. (2021). Crowdfunding as an alternative mechanism to financing Start-ups (Succesful global models and Evidences from Algerian). Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 5(2), 119 - 136.
Original Article