Presentation of the social and environmental performance of the economic institution: Case study of the Directorate of Maintenance Laghouat - Sonatrach -

  • Ouafa RAIS University of Biskra
Keywords: performance environnementale, performance sociale, indicateurs de performance


The research aims to shed light on an important topic related to the extent of the commitment of economic institutions to the social aspects and contribute to the achievement of a set of voluntary measures to achieve sustainable development. Our research aims to highlight the environmental policies of the economic institutions represented in the Directorate Maintenance maintenance - Sonatrach -.


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How to Cite
RAIS, O. (2017). Presentation of the social and environmental performance of the economic institution: Case study of the Directorate of Maintenance Laghouat - Sonatrach -. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 1(02), 104-127.
Original Article