Comparing the performance of the public and private leather and footwear sector in Algeria from the perspective of the production and exploitation accounts

  • Haichar Ahmed Tedjani
  • chekhaoui Abdelaziz
Keywords: production account, exploitation account, discriminatory global analysis, differentiation function, analysis into basic compounds


     We try to study the leather and footwear sector by examining the extent of statistical differences and the degree of significance of these differences in the studied variables between the private and public sectors. This research was carried out over a period of time from 1974 to 2007. Based on annual data related to totals, the values of the studied variables were calculated as percentages of private and public sector participation in each total.


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- The OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Cubes procedure calculates totals, means, and other univariate statistics for continuous summary variables within categories of one or more categorical grouping variables. A separate layer in the table is created for each category of each grouping variable.
How to Cite
Ahmed Tedjani, H., & Abdelaziz, chekhaoui. (2017). Comparing the performance of the public and private leather and footwear sector in Algeria from the perspective of the production and exploitation accounts. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 1(01), 50-67.
Original Article