• HADDAD Hafida
  • MOKHEFI Amine
Keywords: Success of new products, Strategy of innovation, development of new products DNP


Launched a product innovation proves crucial for the survival of a company. To do this, it must offer the customer a value that will give him an advantage over the offer of his competitors. Understanding the factors that lead the new product to commercial success has been the goal of our research. We have concluded that the shortcomings of the company are concentrated around the management of the DNP process and we have in this sense, suggested a multidisciplinary team that can bring a positive dynamics to the process of development and Launch of new products.


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How to Cite
Hafida, H., & Amine, M. (2017). ANALYSIS OF KEY SUCCESS FACTORS OF NEW PRODUCTS WITHIN A LARGE FAMILY BUSINESS IN ALGERIA. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 1(01), 210-226.
Original Article