The impact of abundance of natural resources and institutional quality on banking sector development in Algeria

  • Amina Bendahmane Research Center for Applied Economics for Development
  • Amal Beddou Tlemcen University
Keywords: development of the Algerian banking sector, institutional quality, abundance of natural resources, cointegration test


  This paper aim to examine the impact of institutional quality on development of Algerian banking sector, in the presence of abundance of natural resources condition, during the period (1984-2015). We employ two measures of banking development (credit to private sector, and M2/GDP) to build an indicator of banking development using principal component analysis (PCA), and political risk index to measure institutional quality. using cointegration test and error correction model (ECM), the results suggest that each of institutional quality and the abundance of natural resources have a positive and significant impact on banking development, while the abundance of natural resources in Algeria reduces the positive effects of institutional quality on banking development.


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How to Cite
Bendahmane, A., & Beddou, A. (2018). The impact of abundance of natural resources and institutional quality on banking sector development in Algeria . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(01), 50-97.
Original Article