Applications of the Kah and Tans model to predict the continuity of banks - An applied study of a sample of Algerian banks(2020/2016)-

  • ADEL achour جامعة عمار ثليجي الأغواط
Keywords: Continuity, Prediction, Financial failure, financial indicators, Algerian banks


In order achieve the general objective of the study, which is to apply and test the continuity model to know its suitability to the Algerian business environment, through the application of the Kah and Tans model based on the financial indicators of a group of Algerian banks BNA-BEA-CPA-AGB-Albaraka-Alsalam for the period 2016-2020, where the study concluded This quantitative model is effective in predicting the continuity of banks, provided that a quantitative model is built for the Algerian banks, each according to اhis specialization, in order to suit the Algerian business environment and its economy.



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How to Cite
achour, A. (2022). Applications of the Kah and Tans model to predict the continuity of banks - An applied study of a sample of Algerian banks(2020/2016)-. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(1), 47-66.
Original Article