Evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control system using the internal control self-assessment method in the administrations -A case study of the Ministry of Youth and Sports، Algeria-

  • Hamza boussekine جامعة لونيسي علي البليدة 02
  • aissa berrag جامعة لونيسي علي البليدة 02
Keywords: internal control, internal control self-assessment,


  This study aimed to determine the possibility of applying the internal control self-assessment method in evaluating the internal control system in the Algerian Ministry of Youth and Sports and, to identify the most important difficulties that limit the application of this method, by distributing 54 questionnaires to workers at various levels.

  The study concluded that the administration in the Ministry of Youth and Sports realizes the importance of applying the internal control self-assessment method. It also concluded that the administration of the Ministry of Youth and Sports meets the various requirements necessary for the success of its application, and indicated that some difficulties limit the application of this method at the level of this ministry.


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How to Cite
boussekine, H., & berrag, aissa. (2022). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control system using the internal control self-assessment method in the administrations -A case study of the Ministry of Youth and Sports، Algeria-. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(1), 125-144. https://doi.org/10.34118/jeemr.v6i1.3565
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