Reasons for the reluctance of the Zakat payers to go to the Algerian Zakat Fund. An exploratory study of a sample of the Zakat payers in the District of Blida
This study aims to know the factors and reasons that led to the reluctance of those charged with Zakat to pay it to the Algerian Zakat Fund, and to search for the reasons that led to their weak confidence in the fund, which led to the weakness of the Zakat fund’s proceeds, and to identify weaknesses based on the opinions of a sample of Zakat payers from the state of Blida
The study found that the Zakat payers differentiate between tax and zakat, and that paying taxes does not dispense with the performance of zakat, and they know that it is an obligation like prayer, and that it may play an important role in social and economic terms.
The respondents attributed the failure to pay their zakat to the fund to the lack of disclosure and transparency on the manangement of the fund, and the lack of confidence in the bodies responsible for collecting and disbursing it, and the weakness of the administrative apparatus of the Algerian Zakat Fund.
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