Modernizing the state’s general budget system and its importance in public finances

  • Ahmed boudjelal جامعة عمار ثليجي بالاغواط
  • meftah ghezal جامعة عمار ثليجي بالاغواط
  • Fatima benaya المركز الجامعي أفلو
Keywords: the public financesp, general budget, Budget system update, budget principles


Addresses our research here on one of the most important issues concerning the general budget of its role and importance in the public finances of the state there is an important role of public finance in the life of the state, an important element that helps professional and rational based development on the premises and clear, as the state done to dispose of its finances through amendment .

  The general budget occupies considerable importance in the economic, financial, social and political studies and their importance is growing day after day and it was necessary to update and modernize it to align and large developments in contemporary economies


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How to Cite
boudjelal, A., ghezal, meftah, & benaya, F. (2022). Modernizing the state’s general budget system and its importance in public finances. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(1), 257-270.
Original Article