The Application of Social Responsibility Strategies in Economic Enterprise: Case of the Company

  • hanane guessoum جامعة سطيف1
Keywords: The Social Responsibility, Environmental dimension, Social dimension, governance


In recent years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly studied topic,. In this regard, our study focused on studying Pfizer's strategy as one of the leading companies in the field of social responsibility and thus answers the main problem, which is: "What are the most important social responsibility strategies adopted by Pfizer?".

  The results of our study proved that this Pfizer company is concerned with the standards of social responsibility in its various fields, especially that the evaluation of companies is not based only on their turnover, but rather includes their policies and programs that depend on them to manage their human resources, products and energy in an effective manner that ensures the continuity of their activities and the development of their performance in order to serve their goals and the goals


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How to Cite
guessoum, hanane. (2022). The Application of Social Responsibility Strategies in Economic Enterprise: Case of the Company. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(1), 145-162.
Original Article