Using autoregressive models (VAR) to measure and analyze the impact of net foreign investments on the economic variables of sustainable development in Sudan (1990 – 2017)

  • warrag ali warrag nacer كلية الإمارات للعلوم والتكنولوجيا
  • mohammed saleh hassan كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتصرف- بصفاقس
Keywords: Models of self regression VAR, Sudan economy, Foreign investments, Economical changes of the sustainable development.


The study aims at using the model of self regression VAR in measuring and analyzing the effect of foreign investments on the economical changes on the sustainable development in Sudan(1990-2017), and from Dicky Foller's test appeared that the variables are stable at the level of 5% significant, also Johanson's test of joint integration showed that there is one direction to integration and through the results of self regression VAR appeared that the foreign investments in  the past and present was not as required.

For that, the study recommended to removing all the internal obstacles facing the investment and the investors from procedures, rules, infrastructures, and services to attract more investments.


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How to Cite
ali warrag nacer, warrag, & saleh hassan, mohammed. (2022). Using autoregressive models (VAR) to measure and analyze the impact of net foreign investments on the economic variables of sustainable development in Sudan (1990 – 2017). Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(2), 67-78.
Original Article