The economic role of the circular economy and its relationship to sustainable development in the Arab countries Analytical and theoretical study - Dubai as a model

  • salima bouaouina المركز الجامعي مرسلي عبد الله (تيبازة)،
  • yasmina kaci جامعة احمد زبانة (غليزان)
  • yazid tagraret جامعة العربي بن مهيدي (أم البواقي)
Keywords: circular economy, sustainable development, energies and products, natural resources


The circular economy is an economic model that seeks to reduce the waste of energy, various commodities and materials, and achieve sustainable development of them as much as possible. In addition to sustainable development, it is a comprehensive activity for all sectors of the state and public and private institutions. Material and human resources, and various resources, and this study aimed to highlight the economic role played by the circular economy and its relationship to sustainable development in the Arab countries, taking into account Dubai as a model, through an analytical and theoretical study, as the circular economy aims to maintain the use of products, equipment and infrastructure for longer.

This study concluded the importance of circular economy applications and techniques, and the preservation of natural resources, as well as highlighting the importance of investing in a circular economy to create economic, social and environmental value at the lowest costs.JELClassification.


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How to Cite
bouaouina, salima, kaci, yasmina, & tagraret, yazid. (2022). The economic role of the circular economy and its relationship to sustainable development in the Arab countries Analytical and theoretical study - Dubai as a model. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(2), 209-226.
Original Article