The impact of modernizing Public Administration by applying E-management on achieving the principles of Governance at the Hodna Mills Corporation in M'sila

  • Noura allouani جامعة عمار ثليجي – الأغواط
Keywords: modernization of Public Administration, E-management, principles of Governance


The study aimed to find out the effect of modernizing Public Administration by applying E-management to the principles of Governance, by targeting a sample of 40 employees at the Hodna Mills Corporation in M'sila, where a questionnaire consisting of 40 items was distributed, and the analytical descriptive approach was relied upon in the study, and the analysis and testing of hypotheses using spss program.

                        The most important conclusions are that there is an impact of the modernization of Public Administration by applying E-management represented in the requirements (technical, administrative and human) to achieve all the principles of Governance issued by OCDE, at the Hodna Mills Corporation in M'sila, and the study also presented a set of important suggestions on the subject


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How to Cite
allouani, N. (2023). The impact of modernizing Public Administration by applying E-management on achieving the principles of Governance at the Hodna Mills Corporation in M’sila. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 7(1), 97-116.
Original Article