Using the Six Sigma approach to evaluate the performance of industrial institutions Case study at the maskar Mills Corporation in el bayadh

  • mohamed yacine nadri
  • farid belkheir جامعة ابن خلدون تيارت
Keywords: Six Sigma, Quality, Performance, Industry


This study aimed to study how to use the Six Sigma approach in evaluating the performance of industrial enterprises, to answer the problem of the study represented in how to measure the performance of industrial enterprises using the Six Sigma approach. A set of measurements were taken of the weights of soft wheat flour over a period of 20 days and the analysis was carried out using a program. MINITAB was used to measure the quality of products, and a set of quality control maps were used, represented by a map of the arithmetic mean, range, and standard deviation.

  The study finally concluded that the production process was statistically stable, and that modern statistical methods should be used in industrial institutions as a basic means of improving product quality and controlling it with the least effort and cost.


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How to Cite
nadri, mohamed yacine, & belkheir, farid. (2024). Using the Six Sigma approach to evaluate the performance of industrial institutions Case study at the maskar Mills Corporation in el bayadh. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 7(2), 121-136.
Original Article