The impact of implementing an enterprise resource planning system (ERP) on the quality of internal auditing - A field study on a sample of internal auditors-

  • hayet akachat جامعة قسنطينة 2
  • mohamed boucheriba جامعة قسنطينة 2
Keywords: Enterprise resource planning system, Quality of internal audit, Information technology


This study aims to highlight the impact of implementing the enterprise resource planning system on the quality of internal auditing, by addressing the most important factors affecting quality, and this is based on the questionnaire as a means of collecting data, where 50 electronic questionnaires were distributed to a sample of internal auditors in some of the Algeria states, and 44 questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed through the Spss V26 statistical program.

The results of the study show that there is an impact of the ease of use of the ERP system, the accuracy and transparency of the information it contained therein, and the quality of the services provided by it on the quality of internal auditing with a strong correlation between the variables. The study also recommends that organizations should conduct training courses to enhance internal auditors' skills in the use of information technology systems.


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How to Cite
akachat, hayet, & boucheriba, mohamed. (2024). The impact of implementing an enterprise resource planning system (ERP) on the quality of internal auditing - A field study on a sample of internal auditors-. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 7(2), 137-154.
Original Article