The impact of the organizational structure on the application of knowledge management systems"A field study on a sample of health sector institutions in the wilaya of Laghouat

  • mohammed aouay
  • Salah eddine talbi لمركز الجامعي نور بشير البيض
Keywords: organizational structure, knowledge management systems, health sector


This study aims to highlight the impact of the organizational structure on the application of knowledge management systems within a sample of health institutions and its role in consolidating and enhancing them. With the spss24 statistical program to test and discuss the hypotheses of the study، the study reached a set of results، the most important of which are: the existence of a statistically significant effect of the organizational structure in the application of knowledge management systems. The study also recommended applying more flexibility in the organizational structure so that it becomes able to respond quickly to changes


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How to Cite
aouay, mohammed, & talbi, S. eddine. (2024). The impact of the organizational structure on the application of knowledge management systems"A field study on a sample of health sector institutions in the wilaya of Laghouat. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 7(2), 155-174.
Original Article