The Contribution of Food Security to Achieving Sustainable Development in the Context of the Corona pandemic -A Case of Algeria.
The study focused on highlighting the status of sustainable development in developing countries as a means to break free from the cycle of underdevelopment and achieve economic growth. This is achieved through the utilization and attainment of food security, while also demonstrating the impact of crises such as the spread of the Corona, considering it an unprecedented historical event in this century.
This will significantly contribute to driving economic growth to higher levels. This is based on a descriptive analysis of economic data for some countries, with a specific focus on the case of Algeria. The study concluded with a number of key findings, including the importance of defining the role of food security in facing various crises and as a means to achieve environmental sustainability that can be realized in the medium or long term. Achieving food security is crucial for shaping the societal, environmental, and governmental policies, as it serves as a fundamental pillar for self-sufficiency and a pathway to the progress of societies.
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