La réalité des énergies renouvelables "énergie solaire - énergie éolienne" dans le monde, en se référant au cas de l'Egypte_ une étude analytique pour la période 2017_2021
Energy occupies an important place at the heart of the development process in various sectors. In addition, it is an engine for creating jobs and raising the standard of living for large segments of people. However, more than 733 Million People in The World Still Suffer From Electricity loss, and according to rates of progress and future projections, by 2030, nearly 670 million people will live without electricity
The United Arab countries are an important hub and a major pole in the global energy markets because of their different and diverse capabilities in renewable energy sources, especially Egypt. Contribute to reducing global warming, and on the other hand, preserving its components and energy security, which is an important pillar in preserving its national security.
key words
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