The contribution of public expenditure on education to the promotion of economic growth:- South Korea as a model

  • Affaf Guemeti Laghouat University
Keywords: Public Expenditure, Education, Economic Growth, South Korea


This study will spot light on public expenditure’s importance on education in supporting the economic growth, under the temporary radical changes which marked the 21st century, such as the importance's propagation of knowledge and technology. All this will clarify the basic education’s notions and concepts, it incomes, it Forms of public spending. We will focus on the bilateral reciprocal relationship between education and economic growth.

South Korea's educational model is leader in the world , it has strong effect on the economic development; it depends on the Open Learning to offer high skilled human cadres in several fields, which practiced in the economic development with efficacy, With occasional comparisons with Algeria.


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How to Cite
Guemeti, A. (2018). The contribution of public expenditure on education to the promotion of economic growth:- South Korea as a model . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(01), 272-291.
Original Article