Corporate governance as a mechanism to confront financial corruption and achieve sustainable development - Malaysia's experience as a model

  • Hakima Bousselma Batna University
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Financial Corruption, Sustainable Development, Malaysia Experience


This study aimed to identify the mechanism of corporate governance and its role in combating financial corruption and achieving sustainable development with a focus on the Malaysian experience, by defining the concept, importance and objectives of corporate governance, and identify the causes and manifestations of financial corruption, and well as to define the concept and objectives of sustainable development. Through the presentation of the Malaysian experience, several results have been reached, the most important of which is that corporate governance has a role in combating financial corruption and achieving sustainable development as a mechanism that emphasizes the responsibilities of the administration and its accountability, and Improve accounting and financial practices and emphasize transparency, which helps to detect fraud and financial corruption and take action before it is exacerbated and its impact on the company.

The good application of the principles of corporate governance in Malaysia represents the way forward for individuals, institutions and society as this mechanism provides a guarantee for the stability of the state economy and preventing it from falling into financial crises that prevent its progress and achieve sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Bousselma, H. (2018). Corporate governance as a mechanism to confront financial corruption and achieve sustainable development - Malaysia’s experience as a model. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(02), 48-64.
Original Article