The Role of Economic Diversification in Supporting Competitiveness and Achieving Development: The Indian Experience as a Model

  • Lazhari Zouaouid Ghardaia University
  • Abdeldjalil Touahir University of Ouargla
Keywords: Economic Diversification, Development, Economic Sectors, Foreign Trade, The Indian Economy


This study aimed to highlight the role of diversification in increasing the effectiveness and the growth of the liberal economy as a strategic and effective method to increase competitiveness and development, We did this study on India's economic model, which highlights the diversification, in order to reach the results of this study we discuss  the  concepts relating to diversification, competitiveness and its relations to development, as well as stand on developments in the Indian economy and performance of the most important sectors, as well as highlight the investment climate and foreign trade of India. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted in this study whichs is more  appropriate to answer the problematic study,  The study concluded that economic diversification has contributed by increasing in the rates of economic growth in India, and raising the competitiveness of Indian goods, and leds to the development of the model.


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How to Cite
Zouaouid , L., & Touahir , A. (2018). The Role of Economic Diversification in Supporting Competitiveness and Achieving Development: The Indian Experience as a Model . Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(02), 244-265.
Original Article