The effect of the application of the assessment and rating system "SNB" on the diagnosis of financial solidity of Algerian banks Bank case study Cpa & Societe Generale-Algérie Banks

  • Abbas Bouhoreira Ghardaia University
Keywords: financial strength, financial fragility, SNB, CAMELS, EWS


This study provide the effect of the application of the Algerian banking assessment and rating system "SNB" inspired by the American evaluation system "CAMELS", and through the study of the case of the Cpa and Societe Generale-Algérie, which proved effective in the evaluation of banking.

The study showed that the sample of the study suffers from high liquidity and concentration in assets and clearly demonstrates the quality standards of the assets. Accordingly, the study recommended measures to ulter the liquidity and the asset farmwork in the two banks.


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(Available on the link) : 13/09/2019 (21:38)
How to Cite
Bouhoreira, A. (2020). The effect of the application of the assessment and rating system "SNB" on the diagnosis of financial solidity of Algerian banks Bank case study Cpa & Societe Generale-Algérie Banks. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 3(2), 74-88.
Original Article