The personal traits of entrepreneur as the most important factors on discover the entrepreneurial opportunities

  • Iasmail Hedjazi University of Biskra
  • Asma Zekri University of Biskra
  • Nawel Abdaoui Blida University 2
Keywords: the entrepreneurship opportunity, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, The entrepreneurship traits, Creativity, Taking risk


This study aimed to analyze the relation between two key variables, related on the entrepreneurship. It focused on personal traits and the characteristics that a person must have in order to be an entrepreneur and create and produce creative entrepreneurial ideas that are viable for a successful and sustainable entrepreneurial project. These characteristics are represented in the need of achievement, self-confidence, creativity, taking risk, and desire for independency, to show the impact of these characteristics at the entrepreneur in the representation of the entrepreneurial ideas and selection of market opportunities.

  However, the most important result is that for a person to be an entrepreneur, he must have the characteristics, abilities and personal skills in order to discover entrepreneurial opportunities.


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How to Cite
Hedjazi, I., Zekri, A., & Abdaoui, N. (2020). The personal traits of entrepreneur as the most important factors on discover the entrepreneurial opportunities. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 4(1), 43-60.
Original Article