The Government Investment in the infrastructure of Hydraulic Sector as a strategic option to support the agricultural sector and achieve economic development - Setif model -

  • Rahma Ghazali University of Setif
  • abdelmadjid Kemouche Al-Messila University
Keywords: government Investments, Infrastructure, Hydraulic Sector, Agricultural Sector, Economic Development


This study aims to identify the level of effectiveness of government investment in the Hydraulic Sector which is aimed to support the agricultural sector in "Setif", whereas the two sectors are very important in improving the living standards of the population and supporting the economic development of the country.

            The results of the study showed that the Algerian government award particular attention to the agricultural sector in "Setif", through the amount of funds invested in the establishment of a number of structures and constructions supporting the sector. Furthermore the study concluded that the agricultural production in "Setif" was developing in the recent years, which makes it occupy a privileged position in terms of contribution in the national agricultural production and in the composition of the gross domestic product (GDP); and this contribution would rises in parallel with receiving "the major water transfer project" in Setif.


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How to Cite
Ghazali, R., & Kemouche, abdelmadjid. (2020). The Government Investment in the infrastructure of Hydraulic Sector as a strategic option to support the agricultural sector and achieve economic development - Setif model -. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 3(2), 54-73.
Original Article