Smoking among school students in Al-Aflaj Governorate: causes and methods of control
Smoking is one of the main dangers that affect human health, both physical and psychological. There is no doubt that there are many different reasons that lead to the spread of this bad habit, and these reasons differ from one person to another, and from one environment to another. By knowing these reasons, we can educate the family and society about the methods that help limit the spread of this phenomenon. Based on the goals of Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University in serving the local community and maintaining the health of family and community members from the scourge of smoking, especially the youth students, this study was conducted to identify the smoking rate among the students (middle and high school) in Al-Aflaj Governorate in Saudi Arabia, as well as Knowing the most important reasons leading to the practice of smoking among students of these levels. To achieve this goal, the study used the descriptive survey method, where a questionnaire was designed distributed on several axes, and was distributed to the study population consisting of (2135) students, representing all the ruled boys' students in middle and secondary schools at the schools in Al-Aflaj governorate in 1440 H (2018). The results showed that the percentage of smokers among middle and high school students (boys) in Al-Aflaj Governorate was 6%. The age group for students who smoke is between 12-16 years, and represented 59% of the total number of smokers in the study population. The relationship of smoking to drug addiction came third, and then social damage to smoking came fourth, while economic damage to smoking came in fifth and last. The study also showed that, 35% of the respondent’s smokers believe that the school and teachers do not play the role assigned to them in the fight against smoking among school students. The study also showed that 60% of smokers believe that the Charitable Association for Smoking Control (Bahaa) in Al-Aflaj Governorate does not play the role it is entrusted with combating smoking.
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