The problematic of the connection between epistemology and feminist philosophy

  • Moulay NADJEM University of Laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: epistemology, feminist philosophy, curriculum science, history of science, the theory of knowledge, cognitive reintegration


this study, on the one hand, aims at highlighting the concept of epistemology and other similar ones. On the other hand , however, it tends to recognize the connection between epistemology and the philosophy of feminist science, based on originating the concepts in the aesthetics field .Moreover, it also aims at showing the relationship between epistemology and curriculum science along with the theory of knowledge and the history of science to find out the extent to which that relationship is reflected on the link between epistemology and the science of feminist philosophy, particularly in terms of its scientific objectives and modernist as well as moral interpretations , away from subjectivity and gender-related issues. Thus, the study seeks to present a philosophical vision to achieve the cognitive integration for the foundation of both civilizations: Western and Arabic.


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How to Cite
NADJEM, M. (2021). The problematic of the connection between epistemology and feminist philosophy. Social Sciences Journal, 15(1), 181-198.