The problematic of the research methodology in social sciences_Analytical Study_
Research methodology social sciences is very related to the subject to be researched. The suitability of the methodology used and the number of approaches adopted for the same research, is often problematic
Some researchers and academicians believe that the issue of the methodology must be decided from the beginning of the research by choosing the approach that the researcher thinks is fit for his/her subject and he/her must employ only one approach be it quantitative, qualitative or procedural. These researchers argue that this is necessary to avoid the confusion between the research methodology that means the theoretical vision based on which the solution of the problem will be found, and the research framework that means the research tools to be employed for such a purpose
Other researchers think that it is possible to employ multiple approaches for the same research, whether they are all quantitative, qualitative or procedural.
The qualitative research methodology has evolved over the years to many variants such as the epistemological variant (the sociology of knowledge) that is related to the theory of knowledge and the history of science. This variant deals with the scientific methodologies and studies the methods of acquiring knowledge (its nature and limits) from a purely scientific angle based on a scientific and critical examination that links induction and conclusion together.
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