The Elderly in The Arab Region: The Gap Between Reality and Sponsorship requirements
The developing countries that witnessed a relatively early decline in fertility rates, in turn, suffer from rapid increases in the proportion of elderly people, and this pattern is expected to continue throughout the coming decades, in order to reach the whole world, including the Arab countries.
The main objective of this article is to describe the current health and social reality of the two sexes, In order to analyze the programs that have been implemented and to identify gaps, challenges and opportunities available, Caring for the elderly is at the heart of the sustainable development goals, Especially the third goal related to ensuring healthy life and promoting the well-being of all residents of all ages, That all countries of the world are working to achieve
Although some Arab countries have made efforts to upgrade social protection affairs for the elderly ,But other countries still operate with weak social welfare systems that are highly dependent the family, Or voluntary community support ,and in general it appears that the elderly in Arab countries need real support in the process of developing health and social policies, Although their rights to a decent life are guaranteed in most constitutions, and recognition of their issues has been increasing steadily within the region in recent years, but the wide gaps between policies and their implementation remain
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