Corona and the Social links. Supporting or Breaking out ?
Corona epidemic spreading event all over the world is a prominent event of its effect levels of influence. It’s clearly a test for the extent of the societies hardness and toughness in facing it and dealing with it, through its touching the social relations and links. It touches the basis of the structure and constitution of the societies through supporting these links or breaking them out, or appearing new links that go with this event, and give these links the characteristic of relativity and instability.
Most of sociological studies, whether traditional or modern indicate that levels of solidarity members of societies grow during wars and crises, especially societies of traditional nature that are subjected to traditional systems which support the means of solidarity among their members. So, how extent did this epidemic effect its link levels? Did it contribute on breaking out the social links which were built on? or did it support its role through forcing solidarity methods that were appeared in societies, even internally or externally?
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