Indicators of Psychological Hardiness Among Parents of a Mentally Retarded Child (Defensive Shield Against the Misfortunes of Life)
Psychological hardiness is considered as the protective, protector, inhibitor, detector of assumptions and automatic thoughts of a negative nature. as well as the pressures and problems that the parents of the mentally retarded child are exposed to Furthermore, their liberation from the prison of disability in the face of their son's disability and immunity against its reflection. However, as parents accept their mentally retarded child, believe in him and his abilities, challenge his disability and attempt to advance him by dominating and controlling disability and believing in the self by each of them’s commitment to what he does, this would embody the strength of psychological hardiness of the mentally retarded child’s parents.
This article highlights the psychological hardiness of the parents of children with mental retardation, as it is one of the significant features of the immune personality, so as to shed more light on how its variables work and its reflection on the mentally retarded child as well as the factors of its building to his parents
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