The relationship of Repeated absences to academic achievement at middle education students -A field study in Laghouat
The study aimed to know the relationship of frequent school absences to academic achievement at middle education students. And to reach this goal the researcher employed the results of a sample study of 216 pupils distributed in three Schools of the city of Laghouat in the achievement exams for the second semester for the scholarly year 2018/2019, And tying up these results to the frequent absence variable.
And he concluded that all the results of the sample intended in the study Accessed proved that the level of students with frequent absences is weak and low, whilst the level of regular students with permanent attendance is high, which indicates that there is a correlation between frequent school absences and academic achievement of pupils.
The researcher recommended restricting students who are frequently absent and convene meeting with them, and knowing the reasons underlying their frequent absences, and necessity to treat this by the school administration, and work to Strengthen the student's relationship with his teachers and his school.
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