Social representations of university students regarding the achievement of Interdisciplinary studies in their graduation notes

  • Ibtissam GHANEM Higher School of Teachers of Technological Education Skikda (Algeria)
Keywords: social representation, Interdisciplinary studies, Graduation notes, University students


The study aimed to reveal the structure of social representations produced by university students about interdisciplinary studies and how to organize them, as well as to discover their attitudes regarding the achievement of interdisciplinary studies in their graduation notes, and to achieve these two objectives, the study relied on the steps of the descriptive approach, and the application of the hierarchical evocationel technique on an intentional sample of 48 male and female university students. The results of the study showed a tangible weakness in the representational production and students' thinking about interdisciplinary studies, despite their adopting a somewhat positive attitude towards the achievement of this type of studies in their graduation notes.


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How to Cite
GHANEM, I. (2022). Social representations of university students regarding the achievement of Interdisciplinary studies in their graduation notes. Social Sciences Journal, 16(1), 211-224.