Occupational pressures with organizational loyalty among the workers of the Energy Facilities Security Company in the city of Laghouat

  • Mohamed Tahar NAKMOUCHE University Center Aflou (Algeria)
Keywords: occupational pressures, organizational loyalty, energy facilities security workers


The study aimed to try to identify the relationship of occupational pressures with organizational loyalty among the workers of the Energy Facilities Security Company in the city of Laghouat, and also aimed to know the differences in occupational pressures, a descriptive approach was followed that fits with the nature of the subject on a sample of (30) workers, which was selected by a simple random sampling method. This study also used two scales: the occupational stress scale, prepared by Maslash and the organizational loyalty scale, The results of the study found: Energy facilities security workers suffer from a low level of occupational stress. Energy plant security workers enjoy a high level of organizational loyalty. There is a positive correlation between occupational pressures and organizational loyalty among security workers of energy installations in Laghouat. There are no statistically significant differences between the security workers of energy facilities in the level of occupational stress according to seniority at work. There are no statistically significant differences between the security workers of energy facilities in the level of occupational pressures according to social status.


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How to Cite
NAKMOUCHE, M. T. (2022). Occupational pressures with organizational loyalty among the workers of the Energy Facilities Security Company in the city of Laghouat . Social Sciences Journal, 16(1), 588-603. https://doi.org/10.34118/ssj.v16i1.1952