Conceptual framework for formative evaluation
A simple reading in the educational evaluation literature enables one to see that educational evaluation is a process of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention whose main field is to make judgments on the success of the educational-learning process with all its elements in the light of a frame of reference based on scientific foundations in order to correct, amend and take appropriate decisions and necessary actions.It is worth noting that the formative evaluation is part of the control strategy with the aim of identifying the strengths and weaknesses in all parts of the educational process, and thus improving the decision-making process in all areas of education.In order to study this topic, we propose this research paper with the aim of identifying the conceptual framework of formative assessment, explaining the concept of formative assessment, its objectives, importance, and functions, using the educational literature, and what was written on the topic of presentation, analysis, discussion, and interpretation in order to provide a more comprehensive and deeper understanding.
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